JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV Big Sale
You can buy JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV. Also read our JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV reviews before you decide to buy JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV Overview:
- 1080p Full HD resolution
- Crystal Color Technology
- Xinema Sound
- Auto Power Off
- USB Multimedia Support
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JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV Reviews
14 of 15 people found the following review helpful ![]() By musiclvr (Colorado) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV (Electronics) The other reviews that have described the simplicity of this TV are completely accurate. Out of the box, it was plug and play with no extra software or apps to worry about. I had a hard time justifying spending $200 to $400 more for a different TV of the same size and performance, just because it had internet connectivity and a bunch of preloaded apps that I don't use. Those preloaded apps are starting to remind me of what pc's morphed into 10 or 12 years ago, when they would come out of the box with a bunch of garbage that had to be uninstalled before you could personalize your pc the way you wanted it. No reason to pay extra for that same privilege here. Having said that, the remote is straightforward and easy to use, the picture and sound are both great, and I can think of nothing negative about this TV. 15 of 18 people found the following review helpful ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV (Electronics) I DID RESEARCH ON ALL THE TOP BRAND TVS BEFORE I BOUGHT THIS TV. I SPENT HOURS ON END IN WALMART, TARGET, AND BESTBUY WATCHING AND COMPARING TVS AND NONE OF THEM COMPARE TO THE PICTURE AND SOUND OF THIS JVC. I KNOW IT SEEMS LIKE A LOW COST ENTRY LEVEL TV BUT YOU WILL BE AMAZED. I AM WATCHING PLANET EARTH ON BLURAY AT THIS VERY MOMENT AND IT ALMOST LOOKS 3D. I ACTUALLY BOUGHT A SAMSUNG LED 1080P 120HZ AND RETURNED IT BECAUSE I WAS NOT IMPRESSED WITH THE PICTURE. THIS JVC IS 100 TIMES BETTER THAN THAT. ALSO, IT HAS PLENTY OF INPUTS ON THE BACK AND IS PRETTY THIN FOR ITS SIZE.TO SUM UP...... BUY THIS TV AND YOU WILL GET -------SUPERIOR PICTURE QUALITY -------SUPERIOR SOUND QUALITY -------EASY SETUP -------PLENTY OF INPUTS DON'T SPEND MONEY ON A BIG BRAND TV, BUY THIS ONE IT IS JUST AS GOOD IF NOT BETTER!!!!!!!! 9 of 10 people found the following review helpful ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV (Electronics) This is a very nice LCD TV & a pretty good value. The picture quality is generally good, though the 120hz does make some programs have "the soap opera effect." However, all 120hz LCD's have this effect & the JVC can disable if you so choose. There are plenty of options to tweak to get the picture you want. The manufacturer (same people who make Vizio, btw) really touts the sound on this TV. It was average IMO. They can add whatever effects they want, but you just aren't going to get satisfying low end sounds out of 2 10w speakers. It's pretty much impossible. That said, the sound is marginally better than most modern LCD TV's & it was very easy to hook up my bookshelf system to get a decent sound experience via RCA plugs. I got this set on sale for $650 & would consider that price appropriate & a good value, though I wouldn't spend much more than that. Overall, I am happy with the purchase & think I got a lot of TV for the money.Picture quality: 4/5 Sound... Read more |
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JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV, JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TVJVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV, JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TVJVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV, JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TVJVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV, JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TVJVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV, JVC JLC47BC3000 47-Inch 1080p LCD TV
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