Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv Big Sale
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Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv Overview:
- One Pair of 3D Eyewear Included
- FULL HD 3D - Full HD 3D puts you inside the action and creates a new world of TV viewing realism
- VIERA CAST WIFI With SKYPE Capabilities - Enjoy great Web entertainment and cutting-edge communication on your HDTV
- INFINITE BLACK PRO PANEL with 5,000,000 - 1 NATIVE CONTRAST - New phosphor technology produces deep blacks and vivid images with minimal reflection
- THX CERTIFIED DISPLAY - Experience true theater in your own home.
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Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv Reviews
28 of 30 people found the following review helpful
Look no further for the best home viewing experience available in 2010, November 12, 2010 This review is from: Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv (Electronics) I recently experienced a household loss of our family's 50 inch HDTV we have used for the past 5 years. Our LG 50PX4DR-H was struck by lighting and was put to rest. I paid a hefty price for the LG back 5 years ago and wanted the best features and viewing experience I could get for a reasonable price. Before that, we had the Toshiba widescreen TW20F40 which was a great TV for it's time. My latest quest lead me to the Panasonic TC-P65VT25 which had the best viewing performance I could find. I reviewed the latest high-end models with LCD, LED and Plasma technology from Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, LG, Vizo and Hitachi, nothing but the plasmas were able to effectively display high speed motion without blurring. All has the latest features with widgets and some had a better implementation than others. Many had better physical dimensions with thin panels and beautiful frames, but I typically do not view content on TVs from the side or outside of the viewing area. I chose the Panasonic... Read more
45 of 52 people found the following review helpful
65 inch pan VT25, September 15, 2010 By This review is from: Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv (Electronics) The key to selecting tv is asking what you want this tv for. LCD tv's are lighter, use less energy, costs have come way down, no screen burn in to worry about. However, Plasma tv's are still cheaper, have greater viewing angles, and produce vastly better picture quality. LCD's have come a long way, but they can not reproduce the deep, rich blacks of a plasma. LCD tv's produce pictures that are bright, crisp, and sharp. Most often, you'll find LCD's displaying animated films in store demo mode. The reason is b/c animated films are supposed to be sharp and creased and bright, and are good matches for LCD's. I like films, and plasma's do a much better job displaying them. So, why should you buy this model, and not a lower model? What are the main differences? Well, this model is capable of displaying 1080P 24fps(frames per second) at 24hz(the refresh rate of the pic). What this means, is that it is a perfect match for Blu-ray. Most films are shot in 24fps 24hz. If the tv can't display... Read more
21 of 24 people found the following review helpful
Picture quality is startling!, October 1, 2010 This review is from: Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv (Electronics) Picture quality the best I have ever seen (including Pioneer). Black levels are incredible; deep, rich, beautiful colors; picture is completely noise free. 3-D works well, but not much content available.
We've had our TC-PC65VT25 for 4 months. The "U2 at the Rose Bowl" concert Blu-Ray really shows off the black levels and overall video quality. We use the VT25 as a video monitor; audio is through a DTS-HD Master capable surround sound system (Onkyo TX-SR707 receiver, bi-amped PSB Image speaker system). The combined effect of the perfect picture and concert quality sound is amazing. With DirecTV, the HD picture is great - so much better than the old Panasonic plasma we replaced. We find ourselves watching bad movies just because they look so good!
3-D picture quality is good, but the content is limited and the 3-D picture doesn't excite me as much as the 2-D performance. 3-D didn't add much to World Cup matches, but college football in 3-D is more compelling than the soccer.
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28 of 30 people found the following review helpful ![]() This review is from: Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv (Electronics) I recently experienced a household loss of our family's 50 inch HDTV we have used for the past 5 years. Our LG 50PX4DR-H was struck by lighting and was put to rest. I paid a hefty price for the LG back 5 years ago and wanted the best features and viewing experience I could get for a reasonable price. Before that, we had the Toshiba widescreen TW20F40 which was a great TV for it's time. My latest quest lead me to the Panasonic TC-P65VT25 which had the best viewing performance I could find. I reviewed the latest high-end models with LCD, LED and Plasma technology from Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, LG, Vizo and Hitachi, nothing but the plasmas were able to effectively display high speed motion without blurring. All has the latest features with widgets and some had a better implementation than others. Many had better physical dimensions with thin panels and beautiful frames, but I typically do not view content on TVs from the side or outside of the viewing area. I chose the Panasonic... Read more 45 of 52 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv (Electronics) The key to selecting tv is asking what you want this tv for. LCD tv's are lighter, use less energy, costs have come way down, no screen burn in to worry about. However, Plasma tv's are still cheaper, have greater viewing angles, and produce vastly better picture quality. LCD's have come a long way, but they can not reproduce the deep, rich blacks of a plasma. LCD tv's produce pictures that are bright, crisp, and sharp. Most often, you'll find LCD's displaying animated films in store demo mode. The reason is b/c animated films are supposed to be sharp and creased and bright, and are good matches for LCD's. I like films, and plasma's do a much better job displaying them. So, why should you buy this model, and not a lower model? What are the main differences? Well, this model is capable of displaying 1080P 24fps(frames per second) at 24hz(the refresh rate of the pic). What this means, is that it is a perfect match for Blu-ray. Most films are shot in 24fps 24hz. If the tv can't display... Read more 21 of 24 people found the following review helpful ![]() This review is from: Panasonic Tcp65vt25 3d Tv (Electronics) Picture quality the best I have ever seen (including Pioneer). Black levels are incredible; deep, rich, beautiful colors; picture is completely noise free. 3-D works well, but not much content available.We've had our TC-PC65VT25 for 4 months. The "U2 at the Rose Bowl" concert Blu-Ray really shows off the black levels and overall video quality. We use the VT25 as a video monitor; audio is through a DTS-HD Master capable surround sound system (Onkyo TX-SR707 receiver, bi-amped PSB Image speaker system). The combined effect of the perfect picture and concert quality sound is amazing. With DirecTV, the HD picture is great - so much better than the old Panasonic plasma we replaced. We find ourselves watching bad movies just because they look so good! 3-D picture quality is good, but the content is limited and the 3-D picture doesn't excite me as much as the 2-D performance. 3-D didn't add much to World Cup matches, but college football in 3-D is more compelling than the soccer. |
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